nodejs-interop / net.plan99.nodejs.kotlin / NodeJSAPI


class NodeJSAPI

The API for working with the NodeJS world. Accessed by using a nodejs block: the methods on this class are in scope when inside the code block.



Casts any object to being a JavaScript object.

fun Any.asValue(): Value


Use this in property delegate syntax to access top level global variables in the NodeJS context. By declaring a variable as var x: String by bind() you can read and write the 'x' global variable in JavaScript world.

fun <T> bind(default: T? = null): Binder<T>


Converts the Value to a JVM type T in the following way:

fun <T> Value.cast(): T


Evaluates the given JavaScript string and casts the result to the desired JVM type. You can request a cast to interfaces that map to JS objects, collections, the Graal/Polyglot Value type, boxed primitives and more.

fun <T> eval(javascript: String): T


Allows you to read JS properties of the given Value using Kotlin indexing syntax.

operator fun <T> Value.get(key: String): T
operator fun Value.get(key: String): Value


Evaluates the given JavaScript but throws away any result.

fun run(javascript: String): Unit


Allows you to set JS properties of the given Value using Kotlin indexing syntax.

operator fun Value.set(key: String, value: Any?): Unit