Running polyglot programs

Download the latest release from the releases page.

Now add the nodejvm directory to your path, or copy the contents to somewhere on your path.

Start your Java programs as normal but run nodejvm instead of java, e.g.

nodejvm -cp "libs/*.jar" my.main.Class arg1 arg2

Running the samples

Check out the NodeJVM repository. Then try:

gradle dat-sample:run

It should join the DAT network and might print some peer infos, depending on your luck.

Also try something a bit less Gradley:

gradle build spinners-sample:shadowJar
../build/nodejvm/nodejvm -jar build/libs/spinners-sample-*-all.jar

From Gradle

The easiest way is to adjust your JavaCompile tasks to run nodejvm instead of java:

tasks.withType<JavaExec> {

This requires nodejvm to be on your PATH and JAVA_HOME to be pointed at GraalVM. There's no support for automatically downloading NodeJVM or Graal itself at this time.

If you use the application plugin to generate startup scripts, then at the moment you will have to edit the script by hand because it really wants nodejvm to be called java. Alternatively you could symlink nodejvm to be named java and put that on your PATH so it overrides the default Java install, but again, this would be up to your users to do.

This is an area of focus for future improvement.